HAVANA - The Fault Modeling Tool
HAVANA - The Fault Modeling Tool
HAVANA is a software tool for describing faults and their impact on fluid flow in petroleum reservoirs. HAVANA can be used for:
- Studies of flow effects on all fault scales.
- Adding faults to simulation grids by displacing grid cells or by modifying transmissibility multiplicators.
- Studies of the geometric uncertainty of the faults on volumes.
HAVANA is unique in its way of representing the faults. Each fault is described by:
- The fault plane geometry.
- The displacement along the fault plane.
- The volume influenced by the fault.
A fault operator that is able to:
- Displace a 2D surface or 3D corner-point grid.
- Reverse the displacement to remove a fault from a 2D surface or 3D grid.
The pictures show a linear and a listric fault modeled with Havana.
In HAVANA faults are not just simple planes or surfaces, but objects with properties that can act on, and modify, reservoir models.
Havana capabilities
Havana has the following capabilities:
Simulation of new faults
This functionality uses an elliptic fault model and is mainly used to simulate sub-seismic faults, allowing among other things:
- Simulation of faults based on trends.
- Simulation of "children faults" around larger faults.
- Possibility to control grouping of faults.
Fault surface uncertainty modeling
HAVANA can be used to study the uncertainty in fault surface geometry:
- Modeling and visualization of fault surface uncertainty envelopes.
- Deterministic change in fault location.
- Deterministic change in fault dip.
- Simulation of fault surfaces.
Fault displacement modeling
HAVANA can create displacement fields for faults based on input fault lines:
- Prediction of fault displacement field.
- Update of fault lines and horizons.
- Simulation of fault displacement fields.
Update of simulation grids
The simulation grid can be updated based on changes in the fault model:
- Addition of new faults to the simulation grid.
- Alternation of permeabilities based on simulated (small) faults.
Qu Dongfang, Per Røe, Jan Tveranger. A method for generating volumetric fault zone grids for pillar gridded reservoir models. Computers & Geosciences Volume 81 (2015), Page 28-37. DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2015.04.009
Per Røe, Frode Georgsen and Petter Abrahamsen. An Uncertainty Model for Fault Shape and Location Mathematical Geosciences Volume 46, Issue 8 (2014), Page 957-969 DOI: 10.1007/s11004-014-9536-z
Frode Georgsen, Per Røe, Anne Randi Syversveen and Oddvar Lia. Fault displacement modelling using 3D vector fields Computational Geosciences Volume 16, Issue 2 (2012), Page 247-259. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10596-011-9257-z
Frode Georgsen, Per Røe, Anne Randi Syversveen and Oddvar Lia. Fault Displacement Modelling using 3D Vector Fields ECMOR XII - 4th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery. Proceedings Oxford, UK, September 2010
Per Røe, Petter Abrahamsen, Frode Georgsen and Anne Randi Syversveen. Flexible Simulation of Faults SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition Florence, Italy, September 2010 (SPE 134912)
A. Seiler, S.I. Aanonsen, G. Evensen and O. Lia. An elastic grid approach for fault uncertainty modelling and updating using the Ensemble Kalman filter. SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, June 2010 (SPE 130422)
N. Fredman, J. Tveranger, N. Cardozo, A. Braathen, H. Soleng, P. Roe, A. Skorstad and A. R. Syversveen Fault facies modeling: Technique and approach for 3-D conditioning and modeling of faulted grids AAPG Bullitin, 92(11):1457-1478, 2008
Nestor Cardozo, Per Røe, Harald H. Soleng, Niclas Fredman, Jan Tveranger, and Sylvie Schueller. A methodology for efficiently populating faulted corner point grids with strain Petr. Geosci., 14(2):205-216, May 2008
Harald H. Soleng, Anne Randi Syversveen, Arne Skorstad, Per Røe and Jan Tveranger Flow Through Inhomogeneous Fault Zones SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Anaheim, USA, November 2007 (SPE 110331)
Arne Skorstad, Per Røe, Anne Randi Syversveen, Harald H. Soleng and Jan Tveranger Volumetric modeling of faults EAGE Petroleum Geostatistics, Cascais, Portugal, September 2007
Anne Randi Syversveen, Arne Skorstad, Harald H. Soleng, Per Røe and Jan Tveranger Facies modelling in fault zones ECMOR X, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 2006
Jan C. Rivenæs, Cecilie Otterlei, Eli Zachariassen, Chris Dart, and Jorunn Sjøholm. A 3D stochastic model integrating depth, fault and property uncertainty for planning robust wells. Njord Field, offshore Norway Petr. Geosci., 11:57–65, 2005.
Signe Ottesen, Chris Townsend, and Kjersti Marie Øverland. Investigating the effect of varying fault geometry and transmissibility on recovery. Using a new workflow for structural uncertainty modelling in a clastic reservoir. In Evaluating the Hydrocarbon Sealing Potential of Faults and Caprocks, Proceedings of the AAPG Hedberg Research Conference. Barossa Valley, near Adelaide, South Australia. December 1–5, 2002, 2004.
Harald H. Soleng, Jan C. Rivenæs, Jon Gjerde, Knut Hollund, and Lars Holden. Structural Uncertainty Modelling and the Representation of Faults as Staircases In ECMOR IX. Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery Cannes, France, 30 August – 2 September 2004.
Lars Holden, Petter Mostad, Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen, Jon Gjerde, Chris Townsend, and Signe Ottesen. Stochastic structural modeling Math. Geol. 35(8):899–914, 2003
Knut Hollund, Petter Mostad, Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen, Lars Holden, Jon Gjerde, Maria Grazia Contursi, Andrew J. McCann, Chris Townsend, and Einar Sverdrup. Havana — a fault modeling tool In Andreas G. Koestler and Robert Hunsdale, editors, Hydrocarbon Seal Quantification. Norwegian Petroleum Society Conference, 16–18 October 2002, Stavanger, Norway, volume 11 of NPF Special Publication, 2002
Damsleth, Eivind, Sangolt, Vegard and Aamodt, Geir. Sub-seismic faults can seriously affect fluid flow in the Njord field off western Norway - a stochastic fault modeling case study SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition New Orleans, October 1998. (SPE 49024)
William A. England, Chris Townsend. The Effects of Faulting on Production from a Shallow Marine Reservoir - A Study of the Relative Importance of Fault Parameters SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition New Orleans, October 1998. (SPE 49023)
Nielsen, B.-F. and Mostad, P. Parametric modeling of seismic faults in Havana 3rd Norwegian heterogeneity conference November 5 1998.
Munthe, Kristin, Holden, Lars, Mostad, Petter and Townsend, Chris. Modeling sub-seismic fault patterns using a marked point process ECMOR IV. 4th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery. Proceedings. Røros, Norway, June 7-10, 1994.
Munthe, Kristin L., Omre, Henning, Holden, Lars, Damsleth, Eivind, Heffer, Kees, Olsen, Terkel S., Watterson, Juan: Sub-seismic faults in description and simulation 68th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Proceedings. Houston, TX October 3-6, 1993.