Integrated GMES Project on Land Cover and Vegetation (GEOLAND)
Integrated GMES Project on Land Cover and Vegetation (GEOLAND)
The Geoland project is composed of various sub-projects: two “core services”, six “observatories” addressing specific user groups, and the “operational scenario” for future scenarios of the project’s services. NR is a participant in three sub-projects: Observatory Nature Protection (ONP), Core Service Land Cover (CSL) and Operational Scenario (OS). NR’s roles in the three sub-projects are to develop algorithms and provide products for environmental mountain information (in particular for Jotunheimen) in ONP, to provide a review and consultation on generic algorithms for land cover in CSL and to be a link between ONP and the development of an operational Geoland service in OS. The project is carried out by a consortium of almost 60 partners, which is coordinated by Infoterra GmbH in Germany and MEDIAS-France in France.
Project goals
The primary aim of the Geoland project is to demonstrate that earth-observation-based products and services that can fundamentally support professional end-users with a legal monitoring or reporting mandate on the regional, national and international level in implementing the monitoring and reporting requirements of new policies and directives with spatial implications. NR’s primary goal in the project is to develop algorithms and products for mountain monitoring, specifically for snow and vegetation monitoring
References and further information
- Solberg, R., J. Amlien, H. Koren, L. Eikvil, E. Malnes and R. Storvold. Multi-sensor and time-series approaches for monitoring of snow parameters. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2004), Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 20-24 September 2004.
- Solberg, R., J. Amlien, H. Koren, L. Eikvil, E. Malnes and R. Storvold. Multi-sensor/multi-temporal analysis of ENVISAT data for snow monitoring. ESA ENVISAT & ERS Symposium, Salzburg, Austria, 6-10 September 2004.

Contact information
Research areas
Project period
European Commission
- Norwegian user partners for the ONP mountain services:
- NVE: Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate
- Statkraft
- Skog & landskap: Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute
- NINA: Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
Norwegian project partner:
- NR: Norwegian Computing Center
- Geoland consortium.