Monitoring Climate Change in the Cryosphere
Air temperature measurements show a clear trend of global climate warming during the last decades. The Arctic temperature has increased at almost twice the rate compared to that of the rest of the world over the same period. It has been internationally agreed that climate monitoring is urgently needed in order to quantify and better understand the climatic changes taking place.
The vision of the CryoClim initiative is to develop new operational services for long-term systematic climate monitoring of the cryosphere. The system and services proposed will be designed to be integrated into the planned international system of systems for global monitoring (GEOSS) - the part of the system aimed for climate monitoring.
Please visit the CryoClim project web pages.
Latest project news
The ultimate goal of the snow sub-service development in the CryoClim project is to develop a novel operational service for multi-sensor Snow Cover Extent (SCE) based on Passive Microwave Radiometer (PMR) and optical data. The project’s approach is to develop progressively more advanced SCE algorithms in a stepwise way. CryoClim Phase 2 has developed a product for global SCE based on DMSP SSM/I data. See example product for the Northern Hemisphere below. The PMR algorithm is actually based on two algorithms, one for dry snow and one for wet snow. Updated date: Thursday, November 15, 2012 - 09:18 |

Contact information
Project period
Norwegian Space Centre and the European Space Agency.