e-Me – Inclusive Identity Management in New Social Media
e-Me – Inclusive Identity Management in New Social Media
The demand for simple and accessible use of electronic services has often been ignored due to security and privacy concerns. There is a growing need for easy-to-use, accessible and universally designed authentication mechanisms. This is also the case for the new social media. Use of these systems often requires that the user authenticates herself through a sometimes tedious and complex process of registration. Many security features are difficult to use for most people. For people with disabilities they may be impossible to use. There are codes that must be remembered and (visual) instructions from the system that must be carefully followed. This poses a problem for many elderly or disabled people. The e-Me project has addressed these challenges, suggested possible solutions, and tested out alternative approaches in close collaboration with university, companies, and user organizations.
NR’s contribution
NR was involved in conceptual development, user research, user requirement elicitation, software prototype development, accessibility and usability testing, and evaluation.
Benefit for customers
E-me provided concepts, solutions and methods that improved accessibility and usability of social media solutions without compromising security, privacy, and identity control.
Benefit for society
Our aim was to contribute to the development of solutions that make ICT products and services usable and accessible to all members of the society.
Latest project news
Almost 18 month after project end, the topic inclusive identity management in the setting of social media is still hot. There have been a number of mentions in the news recently. Updated date: Thursday, June 12, 2014 - 11:31 |
A summarizing article on all relevant topics was published on a large international conference in July 2013. Please see the Publications section for details. Updated date: Monday, August 26, 2013 - 12:57 |
Røssvoll, Till Halbach. Trust Implications for Universal Design of Social-Networking Applications. In: Proceedings of the User-Centered Trust in Interactive Systems Workshop: a Workshop from NordiCHI 2012. Norwegian Computing Center. (ISBN 978-82-539-0538-9). 2013.
Røssvoll, Till Halbach; Fritsch, Lothar. Trustworthy and Inclusive Identity Management for Applications in Social Media. In: Human-Computer Interaction. Users and Contexts of Use. (ISBN 978-3-642-39264-1). pp 68-77. 2013. Full-text
Røssvoll, Till Halbach; Fritsch, Lothar. Reducing the User Burden of Identity Management: A Prototype Based Case Study for a Social-Media Payment Application. In: ACHI 2013, The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions. IARIA. (ISBN 978-1-61208-250-9). 2013.
Fuglerud, Kristin Skeide; Røssvoll, Till Halbach. Usability and Accessibility of Personal Identification Management Systems in Electronic Services. In: eChallenges e-2011 Conference Proceedings. (ISBN 978-1-905824-27-4). 2011.
Fuglerud, Kristin Skeide; Røssvoll, Till Halbach. Previous and Related Research on Usability and Accessibility Issues of Personal Identification Management Systems. NR-notat DART/10/10. pp 24. 2010. Institutional archive

Project period
Norwegian Research Council