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Latest 100 publications

Latest 100 publications

    Academic anthologies


    Abie, Habtamu; Gkioulos, Vasileios; Pirbhulal, Sandeep; Katsikas, Sokratis (eds). Secure and Resilient Digital Transformation of Healthcare. First Workshop, SUNRISE 2023, Stavanger, Norway, November 30, 2023, Proceedings. Springer. (ISBN 9783031558283). 2024.

    Fuglerud, Kristin Skeide; Leister, Wolfgang; Torrado Vidal, Juan Carlos (eds). Universal Design 2024: Shaping a Sustainable, Equitable and Resilient Future for All. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Universal Design (UD2024), Oslo, Norway, 20-22 November 2024. IOS Press. (ISBN 978-1-64368-552-6). pp 502. 2024.

    Katsikas, Sokratis; Abie, Habtamu; Ranise, Silvio; Verderame, Luca; Cambiaso, Enrico; Ugarelli, Rita; Praça, Isabel; Li, Wenjuan; Meng, Weizhi; Furnell, Steven; Katt, Basel; Pirbhulal, Sandeep; Shukla, Ankur; Ianni, Michele; Dalla Preda, Mila; Raymond Choo, Kim-Kwang; Pupo Correia, Miguel; Sileno, Giovanni; Alishahi, Mina; Kalutarage, Harsha; Yanai, Naoto (eds). Computer Security. ESORICS 2023 International Workshops. CPS4CIP, ADIoT, SecAssure, WASP, TAURIN, PriST-AI, and SECAI, The Hague, The Netherlands, September 25–29, 2023, Revised Selected Papers, Part II. Springer. (ISBN 9783031541285). 2024.

    Academic journal articles


    Holden, Helge; Holden, Lars. Optimal rebalancing strategies reduce market variability. The Journal of Finance and Data Science 11 doi: 10.1016/j.jfds.2025.100151. 2025.

    Kennington, Casey; Lison, Pierre; Schlangen, David. Incremental Dialogue Management: Survey, Discussion, and Implications for HRI. arXiv 2025.

    Lee, Daesoo; Ovanger, Oscar; Eidsvik, Jo; Aune, Erlend; Skauvold, Jacob; Hauge, Ragnar. Latent diffusion model for conditional reservoir facies generation. Computers & Geosciences (ISSN 0098-3004). 194 doi: 10.1016/j.cageo.2024.105750. 2025.

    Reithe, Haakon; Marty, Brice Sylvain Daniel; Torrado Vidal, Juan Carlos; Førsund, Elise; Husebo, Bettina S.; Erdal, Ane; Kverneng, Simon Ulvenes; Sheard, Erika; Tzoulis, Charalampos; Patrascu, Monica. Cross-evaluation of wearable data for use in Parkinson’s disease research: a free-living observational study on Empatica E4, Fitbit Sense, and Oura. Biomedical engineering online (ISSN 1475-925X). doi: 10.1186/s12938-025-01353-0. 2025.


    Arguello Scotti, Agustin; Eide, Christian Haug; Aarnes, Ingrid; Hauge, Ragnar; Skauvold, Jacob; Howell, John Anthony. Modelling intra-parasequence reservoir heterogeneity with a process-mimicking algorithm: a case study from the Kenilworth Member, Blackhawk Formation. EarthArXiv preprint platform doi: 10.31223/X58981. 2024.

    Jensen, Are Charles. Beyond output-mask comparison: A self-supervised inspired object scoring system for building change detection. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR) (ISSN 2640-3498). 233 pp 97-103. 2024.

    Kjønsberg, Heidi; Hauge, Ragnar; Nilsen, Carl-Inge Colombo; Ndingwan, Abel Onana; Kolbjørnsen, Odd. Bayesian seismic 4D inversion for lithology and fluid prediction. Geophysics (ISSN 0016-8033). 89(6) pp R551. doi: 10.1190/GEO2024-0092.1. 2024.

    Schneider, Max; Guttorp, Peter. What Do We Know Without the Catalog? Eliciting Prior Beliefs from Experts for Aftershock Models. The Seismic Record (TSR) 4(4) pp 259-267. doi: 10.1785/0320240008. 2024.

    Sektnan, Audun; Almendral Vazquez, Ariel; Hauge, Ragnar; Aarnes, Ingrid; Skauvold, Jacob; Vevle, Markus Lund. A Tree Representation of Pluri-Gaussian Truncation Rules. Mathematical Geosciences (ISSN 1874-8961). doi: 10.1007/s11004-024-10162-5. 2024.

    Skeie, Ragnhild Bieltvedt; Aldrin, Magne Tommy; Berntsen, Terje Koren; Holden, Marit; Huseby, Ragnar Bang; Myhre, Gunnar; Storelvmo, Trude. The aerosol pathway is crucial for observationally constraining climate sensitivity and anthropogenic forcing. Earth System Dynamics (ESD) (ISSN 2190-4979). 15(6) pp 1435-1458. doi: 10.5194/esd-15-1435-2024. 2024.

    Trier, Øivind Due; Salberg, Arnt Børre. National-Scale Detection of New Forest Roads in Sentinel-2 Time Series. Remote Sensing (ISSN 2072-4292). 16(21) doi: 10.3390/rs16213972. 2024.

    Vandeskog, Silius Mortensønn; Huser, Raphaël; Bruland, Oddbjørn; Martino, Sara. Fast spatial simulation of extreme high-resolution radar precipitation data using integrated nested Laplace approximations. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics) (ISSN 0035-9254). pp 1-26. doi: 10.1093/jrsssc/qlae074. 2024.

    Veeraragavan, Narasimha Raghavan; Boudko, Svetlana; Nygård, Jan Franz. A Multiparty Homomorphic Encryption Approach to Confidential Federated Kaplan Meier Survival Analysis. arXiv doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2412.20495. 2024.

    Zohaib Hassan, Syed; Lison, Pierre; Halvorsen, Pål. Enhancing Naturalness in LLM-Generated Utterances through Disfluency Insertion. arXiv 2024.

    Academic literature reviews


    Aas, Kjersti; Charpentier, Arthur; Huang, Fei; Richman, Ronald. Insurance analytics: Prediction, explainability, and fairness. Annals of Actuarial Science (ISSN 1748-4995). 18(3) pp 535-539. doi: 10.1017/S1748499524000289. 2024.

    Academic chapters


    Boudko, Svetlana; Grønvold, Kristian Teig. Evaluating Performance Characteristics of Threshold Fully Homomorphic Encryption for Distributed Analytics Scenarios. In: SECURWARE 2024: The Eighteenth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies. (ISBN 978-1-68558-206-7). pp 172-175. 2024.

    Fuglerud, Kristin Skeide; Halbach, Till; Utseth, Ingrid; Waldeland, Anders Ueland. Exploring the Use of AI for Enhanced Accessibility Testing of Web Solutions. In: Universal Design 2024: Shaping a Sustainable, Equitable and Resilient Future for All. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Universal Design (UD2024), Oslo, Norway, 20-22 November 2024. (ISBN 978-1-64368-552-6). pp 453-460. doi: 10.3233/SHTI241041. 2024.

    Halbach, Till; Fuglerud, Kristin Skeide; Simon-Liedtke, Joschua Thomas. Towards a Model for Assessing the Maturity of Organizations’ Work on Universally Designed Digital Solutions. In: Universal Design 2024: Shaping a Sustainable, Equitable and Resilient Future for All. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Universal Design (UD2024), Oslo, Norway, 20-22 November 2024. (ISBN 978-1-64368-552-6). pp 404-411. doi: 10.3233/SHTI241034. 2024.

    Pilán, Ildikó; Prévot, Laurent; Buschmeier, Hendrik; Lison, Pierre. Conversational Feedback in Scripted versus Spontaneous Dialogues: A Comparative Analysis. In: Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue. (ISBN 979-8-89176-161-2). pp 440-457. doi: 10.18653/v1/2024.sigdial-1.38. 2024.

    Schulz, Trenton; Utseth, Ingrid. A Rock, Paper, Scissors Robot for Engaging Interest in Research. In: HAI '24: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction. (ISBN 979-8-4007-1178-7). pp 450-452. doi: 10.1145/3687272.3690914. 2024.

    Simon-Liedtke, Joschua Thomas; Fuglerud, Kristin Skeide; Skråmestø, Eva Elida Singsaas; Leister, Wolfgang. Mastering Gesture-Based Screen Readers on Mobile Devices - Exploring Teaching and Practice Strategies. In: Universal Design 2024: Shaping a Sustainable, Equitable and Resilient Future for All. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Universal Design (UD2024), Oslo, Norway, 20-22 November 2024. (ISBN 978-1-64368-552-6). pp 436-443. doi: 10.3233/SHTI241038. 2024.

    Simon-Liedtke, Joschua Thomas; Fuglerud, Kristin Skeide; Skråmestø, Eva Elida. Empowering the Visually Impaired: Advancing Digital Skills in Mobile ICT as Motivator and Enabler. In: Universal Design 2024: Shaping a Sustainable, Equitable and Resilient Future for All. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Universal Design (UD2024), Oslo, Norway, 20-22 November 2024. (ISBN 978-1-64368-552-6). pp 444-451. doi: 10.3233/SHTI241039. 2024.

    Torrado Vidal, Juan Carlos; Haugan, Anne-Bjørg; Wiborg, Berit Lilly; Andersen, Rita; Fuglerud, Kristin Skeide. Attitudes of Employees in Tourism Towards Guests with Disabilities in Norway: A Survey Study. In: Universal Design 2024: Shaping a Sustainable, Equitable and Resilient Future for All. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Universal Design (UD2024), Oslo, Norway, 20-22 November 2024. (ISBN 978-1-64368-552-6). pp 340-347. doi: 10.3233/SHTI241025. 2024.

    Abstracts at scientific conferences


    Aarnes, Ingrid; Haug, Ola. VARSKU - Underground effects associated with flooding, landslide and avalanche risks. NR-notat. SAND/15/24 pp 1-33. 2025.


    Aarnes, Ingrid; Arguello Scotti, Agustin. Vega field with GEOPARD. NR-notat. . 2024.

    Aarnes, Ingrid; Skauvold, Jacob; Hauge, Ragnar; Almendral Vazquez, Ariel; Lilleborge, Marie; Næss, Solveig. GEOPARD 1.0 user manual. NR-notat. . 2024.

    Aarnes, Ingrid. Valhall 5B - uncertainty: Pore volume multipliers for ensemble workflows. NR-notat. . 2024.

    Førsund, Elise; Torrado Vidal, Juan Carlos; Fæø, Stein Erik; Reithe, Haakon; Patrascu, Monica; Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska. Active ageing in a community-based living environment. Gerontechnology. . doi: 10.4017/gt.2024.23.s.1109.opp. 2024.

    Academic lectures


    Arguello Scotti, Agustin; Eide, Christian Haug; Aarnes, Ingrid; Skauvold, Jacob; Hauge, Ragnar; Howell, John Anthony. Facies modelling of shoreface subsurface reservoirs with the GEOPARD workflow and comparison to industry standard methods. Arrangement, Vinterkonferansen 2025- 36de geologiske vintermøte; Bergen, 06.01.2025 - 08.01.2025.


    Boudko, Svetlana. Secure Data Processing in AI Applications Through Federated Learning and Homomorphic Encryption. Arrangement, The Eighteenth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies SECURWARE 2024; Nice, France, 03.11.2024 - 07.11.2024.

    Breivik, Olav Nikolai. A practical course in the state space assessment model SAM and RTMB. Gjesteforelesning, Kurs; Bergen, 02.11.2024 - 05.11.2024.

    Engebretsen, Solveig. Situational awareness and forecasting during the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway. Konferanse, Royal Statistical Society 2024 International Conference; Brighton, 02.09.2024 - 05.09.2024.

    Halbach, Till; Fuglerud, Kristin Skeide; Simon-Liedtke, Joschua Thomas. Towards a Model for Assessing the Maturity of Organizations’ Work on Universally Designed Digital Solutions. Arrangement, Conference on Universal Design 2024; Oslo, 20.11.2024 - 22.11.2024.

    Hancke, Kasper; Gundersen, Hege; Ghareeb, Medyan; Borger, Casper; Sætre, Simon Høydal; Lindemann, Christian; Kvile, Kristina Øie; Torp, Øyvind Herman; Ødegaard, Øyvind Tangen; Sample, James Edward; Salberg, Arnt Børre; Garrett, Joseph Landon. Evaluating drone imaging and AI for mapping seagrass distribution and ecosystem services. Konferanse, GEOHAB conference; Arendal, 06.05.2024 - 09.05.2024.

    Hubin, Aliaksandr; Storvik, Geir Olve; Frommlet, Florian; Lachmann, Jon. A subsampling MCMC approach for Bayesian model selection and model averaging. Arrangement, Statistics Seminar Series; Barcelona, 13.11.2024 - 14.11.2024.

    Jullum, Martin; Aase, Frida Svendal; Aas, Kjersti. More effective computation of Shapley values. Workshop, Integreat annual retreat 2024; Tromsø, 25.11.2024 - 27.11.2024.

    Kvile, Kristina Øie; Gundersen, Hege; Poulsen, Robert Nøddebo; Sample, James Edward; Salberg, Arnt Børre; Ghareeb, Medyan; Buls, T; Bekkby, Trine; Hancke, Kasper. Drone and ground-truth data collection, image annotation and machine learning for coastal habitat mapping and classification. Konferanse, GeoHab conference, 15.05.2024.

    Ovanger, Oscar; Eidsvik, Jo; Lee, Daesoo; Hauge, Ragnar; Skauvold, Jacob; Aune, Erlend. A statistical study of latent diffusion models for geological modeling. Konferanse, 12th International Geostatistics Congress; Ponta Delgada, Azorene, 02.09.2024 - 06.09.2024.

    Pilán, Ildikó. Pseudonymisation and related techniques: a quest for determining what personal information to rewrite and how. Workshop, Computational Approaches to Language Data Pseudonymization; St. Julians, 21.03.2024.

    Skauvold, Jacob. Bayesian conditioning in a rule-based facies model. Konferanse, 12th International Geostatistics Congress; Ponta Delgada, Azorene, 02.09.2024 - 06.09.2024.

    Zhang, Dan; Anderson, Mark David. Analysing the Efficacy of Evaluation Metrics for Data Privacy Preservation with Textual Data. Konferanse, NORA Annual Conference; Kristiansand, 03.06.2024 - 04.06.2024.

    Scientific lectures


    Løland, Anders. A glimpse into Norsk Regnesentral. Annet, Fagmøte; Oslo, 25.02.2025.


    Aarnes, Ingrid. GEOPARD - a geological approach to statistical models. Arrangement, Fagdag geomodellering; Trondheim, 19.09.2024 - 19.12.2024.

    Aarnes, Ingrid. GEOPARD - a geological approach to statistical models. Arrangement, Faglunsj ekspertgruppe geomodellering; Oslo/Hybrid, 09.09.2024 - 09.12.2024.

    Aarnes, Ingrid. GEOPARD - a geological approach to statistical models. Arrangement, Geomodelling group meeting; Stavanger, 27.08.2024.

    Breivik, Olav Nikolai. Introduction to Template Model Builder. Årsmøte, Forkurs, Norsk statistisk forening; Tønsberg, 17.06.2024 - 18.06.2024.

    Engebretsen, Solveig. Effekt av rensefisk basert på mageprøvedata. Arrangement, Havbruk 2024; Tromsø, 24.10.2024.

    Engebretsen, Solveig. The effect of testing criteria for infectious disease surveillance: the case of COVID-19 in Norway. Workshop, NordicMathEpi Copenhagen workshop; København, 23.04.2024 - 25.04.2024.

    Gundersen, Hege; Salberg, Arnt Børre; Hancke, Kasper. Kartlegging av marine naturtyper - KELPMAP prosjektet. Seminar, Miljødirektoratets fjernmålingsseminar; Helsfyr, Oslo, 23.04.2024.

    Halbach, Till; Fuglerud, Kristin Skeide. Assessing the Impact of Universal Design on Workplace ICT - A Cost-Benefit Perspective. Arrangement, Universal Design 2024; Oslo, 20.11.2024 - 22.11.2024.

    Halbach, Till; Fuglerud, Kristin Skeide. {Effekten av IKTs universelle utforming på norske arbeidsplasser i et kostnad-nytte-perspektiv. Arrangement, Styremøte i Norsk Regnesentral; Oslo, 05.12.2024.

    Harvey, E. Therese; Gundersen, Hege; Salberg, Arnt Børre; Sørensen, Kai; Hancke, Kasper. New methods/technology - mapping of marine habitats with drones. Konferanse, Nordic Water Framework Directive Conference; Gøteborg, 26.09.2024.

    Huseby, Ragnar Bang; Aldrin, Magne Tommy. Evaluering av ulike kontrollstrategier mot lakselus med hensyn til resistens ved hjelp av simulering. Arrangement, Havbruk 2024; Tromsø, 22.10.2024 - 24.10.2024.

    Jullum, Martin. Introduction to XAI. Arrangement, Guest lecture GRA 4162, Deep Learning and Explainable AI, Autumn 2024; Oslo, Norway, 31.10.2024.

    Salberg, Arnt-Børre. Bildeanalyse og KI. Arrangement, SeaBee's fagseminar (stakeholder meeting); Helsfyr, Oslo, 13.11.2024.

    Salberg, Arnt-Børre. Bildeanalyse og AI. Arrangement, Fagtreff: Dronebasert kartlegging og overvåking av kysten; On-line, 23.09.2024.

    Salvatore, Salvatore; Mercier, Annabelle; Lawall, Alexander; Boudko, Svetlana; Nweke, Livinus Obiora; Takakura, Hiroki. Navigating the Challenges in Security and Safety of Cyber-Physical Systems. Arrangement, The Eighteenth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies SECURWARE 2024; Nice, 03.11.2024 - 07.11.2024.

    Tveten, Martin; Risi, Christopher; Kiraly, Franz. skchange & sktime – time series anomaly detection, changepoint detection, segmentation. Arrangement, PyData Global 2024; Digitalt, 03.12.2024 - 05.12.2024.

    Utseth, Ingrid; Vedal, Amund Hansen; Eikvil, Line; Waldeland, Anders U.. Experiments with Foundation Models for Cardiac Ultrasound Images in Limited Data Scenarios. Årsmøte, Visual Intelligence Days 2024; Jessheim, 24.09.2024.

    Zinner, Martin; Boudko, Svetlana; Hasegawa, Hirokazu; Bostelmann, Timm. Advances in Systems Resilience and Robustness. Arrangement, The Eighteenth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies SECURWARE 2024; Nice, 03.11.2024 - 07.11.2024.

    Posters at scientific conferences


    Kim, Hyeongji; Choi, Changkyu; Kampffmeyer, Michael Christian; Berge, Terje; Parviainen, Pekka; Malde, Ketil. ProxyDR: Deep Hyperspherical Metric Learning with Distance Ratio-Based Formulation. VI Days; Jessheim, Norway, 24.09.2024.

    Kim, Hyeongji; Choi, Changkyu; Kampffmeyer, Michael Christian; Berge, Terje; Parviainen, Pekka; Malde, Ketil. ProxyDR: Deep Hyperspherical Metric Learning with Distance Ratio-Based Formulation. ECCV 2024 Workshop - Beyond Euclidean: Hyperbolic and Hyperspherical Learning for Computer Vision; Milan, Italy, 29.09.2024.

    Schulz, Trenton; Utseth, Ingrid. A Rock, Paper, Scissors Robot for Engaging Interest in Research. HAI '24: the 12th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction; Swansea, 24.11.2024 - 27.11.2024.

    Utseth, Ingrid; Vedal, Amund Hansen; Eikvil, Line; Waldeland, Anders U.. Experiments with Foundation Models for Cardiac Ultrasound Images in Limited Data Scenarios. Visual Intelligence Days 2024; Jessheim, 24.09.2024.

    Doctoral dissertations


    Baig, Ahmed Fraz. Privacy-Preserving Continuous Authentication. Gjøvik: NTNU Doctoral theses at NTNU (ISSN 2703-8084). (2024:83). 2024.



    Arne-Kristian, Groven; Østvold, Bjarte M.. O3.4: Validation. Norsk Regnesentral, . NR-notat DART/07/24. pp 15. 2025.

    Engebretsen, Solveig; Aldrin, Magne Tommy; Klakegg, Barbo; Grøntvedt, Randi Nygaard; Jensen, Stig Rune; Nøst, Ole Anders; Selnæs, John. Pilotprosjekt PO6: Scenariosimulering av lakselus i Midt-Norge. Norsk Regnesentral, . NR-notat SAMBA/01/25. pp 51. 2025.

    Østvold, Bjarte M.; Rummelhoff, Ivar; Stolpe, Audun. Legal knowledge representation and reasoning with generative AI. Norsk Regnesentral, . NR-notat DART/04/24. pp 23. 2025.


    Aas, Kjersti; Neef, Linda Reiersølmoen. Modell for Solvens II - Versjon 15: Modul for prising av rentegaranti. Norsk Regnesentral, . NR-notat SAMBA/31/24. pp 37. 2024.

    Aas, Kjersti; Neef, Linda Reiersølmoen. Modell for Solvens II - Versjon 15: Teknisk rapport for ESG-modul. Norsk Regnesentral, . NR-notat SAMBA/32/24. pp 32. 2024.

    Aas, Kjersti; Neef, Linda Reiersølmoen. Modell for Solvens II - Versjon 15: Teknisk rapport for balansemodul. Norsk Regnesentral, . NR-notat SAMBA/27/24. pp 59. 2024.

    Aas, Kjersti; Neef, Linda Reiersølmoen. RSM Versjon 6.0.1 - Økonomisk scenariogenerator. Norsk Regnesentral, . NR-notat SAMBA/11/24. pp 27. 2024.

    Aas, Kjersti; Neef, Linda Reiersølmoen. RSM Versjon 6.0.1 - Teknisk Rapport. Norsk Regnesentral, . NR-notat SAMBA/10/24. pp 31. 2024.

    Aasen, Nora Røhnebæk; Engebretsen, Solveig; Løland, Anders. Calculating tied up and consumed plastic for a reuse system and a single-use system for PET bottles. Norsk Regnesentral, . NR-notat SAMBA/21/24. pp 41. 2024.

    Fuglerud, Kristin Skeide; Halbach, Till; Schulz, Trenton; Simon-Liedtke, Joschua Thomas; Torrado, Juan Carlos. Forskning innen digital inkludering: Erfaringer og anbefalinger for bruk av metoder, verktøy og praktisk tilrettelegging — 2025-utgave: Håndtering av erkjentlighetsgaver, teksting og transkribering av multimedia, verktøy for dataanalyse, personvern og taushetserklæring. Norsk Regnesentral, Oslo. NR-notat DART/05/24. pp 47. 2024.

    Fuglerud, Kristin Skeide; Leister, Wolfgang; Torrado Vidal, Juan Carlos. Conference Compendium of the Seventh International Conference on Universal Design (UD2024), Shaping a Sustainable, Equitable and Resilient Future for All. Norsk Regnesentral, Oslo. Report at the Norwegian Computing Center 1064. (ISBN 978-82-539-0574-7) pp 196. 2024.

    Gabrielsen, Ane Møller; Ostrop, Jenny; Kvale, Live Håndlykken; Holden, Lars; Dagslott, Nenitha Charlotte; Klokkerud, Trine Pernille. Sluttrapport- Anbefaling til nasjonal fellesløsning for datahåndteringsplanlegging (DMP). Nasjonalt Vitenarkiv, . pp 19. 2024.

    Kolstø, Johannes Voll; Haugen, Marion; Anderson, Mark David; Løland, Anders. Prediksjon av TVINN- varenummer ved bruk av maskinlæring på fritekstfelt. Norsk Regnesentral, Oslo, Forskningsparken. NR-notat SAMBA/18/24. pp 37. 2024.

    Kristoffersen, Thor O.; Røe, Per. Investigation of a Quantum Random Number Generator. Norsk Regnesentral, . NR-notat DART/03/24. pp 24. 2024.

    Lison, Pierre. Automated de-identication of scanned patient records: Evaluation report. Norsk Regnesentral, . Report at the Norwegian Computing Center 24. pp 15. 2024.

    Neef, Linda Reiersølmoen; Aas, Kjersti. Modell for Solvens II - Versjon 15: Estimeringsmodul. Norsk Regnesentral, . NR-notat SAMBA/30/24. pp 68. 2024.

    Neef, Linda Reiersølmoen; Aas, Kjersti. RSM Versjon 6.0.1 - Brukermanual. Norsk Regnesentral, . NR-notat SAMBA/12/24. pp 81. 2024.

    Neef, Linda Reiersølmoen; Aas, Kjersti. Modell for Solvens II - Versjon 15: Teknisk rapport for passivamodul. Norsk Regnesentral, . NR-notat SAMBA/28/24. pp 319. 2024.

    Neef, Linda Reiersølmoen; Aas, Kjersti. Modell for Solvens II - Versjon 15: Brukermanual. Norsk Regnesentral, . NR-notat SAMBA/29/24. pp 121. 2024.

    Schulz, Trenton; Utseth, Ingrid. Summary rock-paper-scissors robot 2024. Norsk Regnesentral, Oslo. NR-notat DART/06/24. pp 26. 2024.

    Semin-Sanchis, Charlotte Juliette; Hauge, Ragnar; Nilsen, Carl-Inge Colombo. PCube+: 4D inversion of base lithology-fluid classes and vintages properties. Norsk Regnesentral, Oslo. NR-notat SAND/06/24. pp 27. 2024.

    Trier, Øivind Due. Horizon Europe possibilities for BAMJO. Norsk Regnesentral, Oslo. NR-notat BAMJO/24/24. pp 25. 2024.

    Trier, Øivind Due; Reksten, Jarle Hamar; Solberg, Rune. Validering og evaluering av FSC. Delprosjekt for snø og is i NVE Copernicus 2. Norsk Regnesentral, Oslo. NR-notat BAMJO/07/24. pp 84. 2024.

    Trier, Øivind Due. Birch pollen predictions from Sentinel-2 images. Sen4Pol Phase 3. Norsk Regnesentral, Oslo. NR-notat BAMJO/08/24. pp 60. 2024.

    Feature articles


    Lison, Pierre. Nå kan KI-generert tekst vannmerkes. Dagensnæringsliv. 2024.

    Popular scientific articles


    Vandeskog, Silius Mortensønn; Aldrin, Magne Tommy; Engebretsen, Solveig; Sunde, Leif Magne; Venås, Birger. Sammenlikning av automatiske lusetellingssystemer under varierende miljøforhold. Norsk Fiskeoppdrett (ISSN 0332-7132). 112024.

    Media contributions


    Bjorå, Charlotte Sletten; Raklev, Are; Engebretsen, Solveig; Jemterud, Torkild. Abels tårn. 2025. NRK P2 [Radio] 08.02.2025.


    Engebretsen, Solveig; Sveinsson, Henrik Andersen; Dietrichs, Erik Sveberg; Jemterud, Torkild. Abels tårn: Når kan vi overleve drukning? 2024. NRK Radio [Radio] 29.11.2024.

    Academic monograph


    Omre, Henning; Fjeldstad, Torstein Mæland; Forberg, Ole Bernhard. Bayesian Spatial Modelling with Conjugate Prior Models. 2024.

    Programme management


    Løland, Anders; Østvold, Bjarte M.; Stolpe, Audun. Digitaliseringsvennlig regelverk: et mål å gjøre regelverk enklere og tydeligere. 2025.

    Other presentation


    Halbach, Till. Slik ble jeg digitalt svindlet. 2024.

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